Important Information

Board Members are conducting all parole interviews by video conference until further notice. In-person public attendance is not available at this time.

In lieu of attending a parole hearing in person, you may fax in your written statements to 304.558.5678 prior to the hearing and they will be made available to Board Members.

Victims or those representing a deceased victim, and other members of the public, may also contact the Board’s office to make arrangements to participate and provide comment by phone during the hearing. Please call 304.558.6366 and select the appropriate option for the particular facility to be connected to a staff member to make such arrangements.

Board Members are conducting all Revocation hearings by video conference until further notice.

If you are an attorney or parole officer needing to request a hearing continuance, please contact Deena Carney by phone at 304-352-4683 or by email

We are strongly encouraging everyone to follow the advisories being posted by state and local health officials in regards to limiting travel and exposure to public areas!


The West Virginia Parole Board, as part of West Virginia’s criminal justice system, makes independent, quality, conditional releases of adult offenders. It also makes clemency recommendations to the Governor for adult offenders. The Board contributes to the protection of society by facilitating, as appropriate, the timely integration of offenders back into society as law-abiding citizens.

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